Using Analytics to Measure Marketing ROI

Sur-Ryl Marketing

As a marketer, one of the most frustrating parts of the job can be accurately measuring campaign marketing ROI. How can you show the powers that be proof of the campaign’s success or failure in a given time frame, particularly on hard-to-measure items such as direct mail? How do you even know which factors are the most important to measure? Luckily for us, we live in the digital age and new technologies have evolved that offer robust amounts of data to help us live up to our Marketing Superstar statuses.

Here are some examples of how you can easily and effectively measure marketing ROI, even on a meager budget:

Call Tracking

Call tracking can be implemented to trace the results of a direct mail or print marketing campaign. These types of campaigns have historically been next to impossible to derive statistics from to determine their effectiveness. By adding call tracking, you can begin to track who is responding to your mail campaign.

Cookies or Website Visitor Tracking

Available in our SM 360º marketing automation program, cookies can be inserted to track visitor behavior on your website. You can learn the who, what and why of a user who moves through your site and what interests them. The more you learn about customers and prospects, the more you can cater to them and provide personalized marketing messages designed to get results.

Social Media Analytics

Most social media sites now have viable analytics programs that can track the proliferation and ROI of your marketing on their site. Facebook currently has the most comprehensive program, although other sites are working to catch up. By studying the analytics, you can tweak your campaign to draw the ideal prospect for your products or services.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics offers a wide range of data that you can use to track your marketing ROI. You can learn a great deal of information by simply adding a tracking pixel to your site and learning the demographic information of who visits. Want to take it a step further? Google Analytics allows you to tag urls with tracking data that will help you identify how well a particular campaign performed. To add a tracker to your URL, just use our Google Analytics URL builder. Once the tracker is attached to the URL, anyone who clicks on it will provide trackable data for your Google Analytics program.

Adobe Analytics

If your budget is a little healthier, you might consider using a high-octane option such as Adobe Analytics. This robust tracking portal measures a ton of data and allows you to visually compare a number of factors so that you can easily learn what marketing channels really sell and how your clients and prospects are engaging with them across multiple devices.

Sound a little too robust? As an official Adobe Partner, Sur-Ryl Marketing can help you set up and even maintain this important piece of your marketing toolkit.

The Science of Measuring Marketing ROI

By scientifically quantifying marketing, you can study measurable data and give your CEO (or yourself) the answers they are looking for to justify your marketing strategy. Contact us for more information on marketing ROI.

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