Web Design and Development

A beautiful website is a must, but here at Sur-Ryl Marketing, we understand that it goes far beyond that aesthetic. A site’s true worth lies in its functionality and the value it provides to potential consumers. They come to the site to research products and services, learn more about your brand, compare various products to one another and make purchases. Many also seek to contact you or connect with your company on various levels. Your site must give them all of these options in a seamless, user-friendly experience.

Remember, for as vast and useful as the internet is, it also provides almost endless competition. If your site suffers from issues like:

  • Slow loading times
  • Frequent downtimes
  • Broken links
  • Incomplete pages
  • Broken images
  • Confusing page structures
  • Videos that load slowly or do not load at all

… then you know that people are simply going to leave. The average person won’t wait more than a few seconds for a page to load, for example, before returning to the search results page. You can use social media, SEO, PPC marketing and many other tactics to get people to that page, but your site has to keep them there.

Fortunately, we have been building and designing sites for more than a decade. We understand how to make them work flawlessly for the modern consumer, integrating them with your other marketing efforts for maximum results. It may start with branding elements like logos and images, but we put the same amount of care into the structure, functionality and intrinsic design elements. We help you create a site that, in turn, creates new customers.

Don’t underestimate the power of a website that connects with consumers and that is optimized for both mobile use and desktop use. We can help you build out the perfect site, refresh and overhaul the one you have, and integrate SEO and other marketing tactics to increase traffic. We’re a boutique firm that does it all, providing affordable prices and incredible value. Call now.

Sur-Ryl Marketing